Kit Smith
Story Artist
Sequential Arts Major,
Savannah College of Art & Design, Class of 2024.
Kit is a writer and cartoonist who specializes in high-stakes plots and nature education, with a healthy dash of humor.
They live for rock climbing, doodling, telling stories that embrace neurodivergent characters.
Strange Matter is their passion project, a pitch for a Middle Grade sci-fi graphic novel series.
Bea & Pod is their pitch for a Young Readers, educational graphic novel.
Bea & Pod Pitch Pages
Responsible for all aspects. Scroll for more pages.

Kit Smith is a biologist turned cartoonist with a passion for writing. They love working on Middle-Grade stories, filling pages with doodles, and making silly little comics.
When not exploring alien worlds, you can find them exploring
the mountains of New England.
Read Strange Matter on Webtoon